About us

The Solarpunk Pioneers Fund is a private funding initiative with the goal to kickstart and fund solarpunk projects that develop solutions for a good and sustainable livestyle within the planetary boundaries.

We do this with private money that our family wants to invest into a better future, and we do this in our free time next to our day jobs. Hence, we want this project to develop organically, step by step, in exchange with the broader community. We have no commercial interest (in contrast, see Ground Rules of the SPF)

The SPF is run by Prof. Dr. Felix Schönbrodt 🌐 and Verena Schönbrodt. Felix is a researcher in the area of motivational psychology, methodology, and meta-science, advocating for open and reproducible science. He teaches statistics and research methods at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Verena studied educational science, psychology and theology and is a Waldorf school teacher at our local Steiner school. Her focus in the SPF is to encourage students to involve in sustainability projects and to promote the positive mindset of Solarpunk in children and youngsters: High Tech? Yes, please. But in and for a green and healthy world. All life on Earth is sacred. We humans are the ones to take care for it.


Collaborators and Contributors

Prof. Dr. Susanne Runkel 🌐 and Prof. Dr. Dirk Jacob 🌐 are the contact persons for the SPF at the THA. Susanne Runkel is an architect specialized in sustainable architecture and energy-efficient and ecological planning and building. She is a sustainability certification auditor and teaches courses in building physics, life cycle assessment and integral construction projects.

Dirk Jacob is a physicist specialized in building simulations and energy efficiency and teaches courses in building physics, building systems, simulation, comfort analysis and integral construction projects. He is the coordinator of the “Energy Efficiency Design” Master’s programme at the THA.

Dipl Ing (FH) Thorsten Sick is an engineer, computer scientist and hacker. Using his long experience writing for RPGs combined with technological knowledge he created the Solarpunk 2050 role-playing game. Many inspirations were taken from the RPG, foremost the entire idea of “Solarpunk Pioneers” itself. He contributes to the SPF with his experience in game design and community building.

Dr. Christina Sick is equal opportunity commissioner and HR project manager at the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of applied sciences. She studied theology, educational science and political science and received a PhD in communication psychology/media pedagogy. Her goal is to enable girls and women to take up responsible positions in society and to dare to use their full potential.


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License & Credit

All content on this site except the SPF logo is licensed under CC BY 4.0. You are free to share and adapt the content, as long as you give appropriate credit by providing a link to the original source (i.e., the SPF website).

  • The SPF logo was created by Rogue Cache. It is based on an existing CC0 solarpunk logo, extending it with a community circle to a Triskelion. The SPF logo itself is not under an open license, as we want to have some “brand recognition” for our fund.
  • The logo and the headings use the Philos font from Lutz Baar. It is an AidFont, which can be used after a donation to a charity organization.
  • In general, solarpunk is a community-driven movement, and we are grateful for all the ideas and inspirations that are shared in the community. We want to give back to the community by sharing our ideas and resources.


Prof. Dr. Felix Schönbrodt
Ortlerstr. 20
86163 Augsburg