
The applications and funding decisions for the first round of pilot projects are made in autumn 2024. The funded projects will be published here after the decisions have been made.

🌱 Soon we will present seeds on this page - ideas and nuclei that could inspire your project! 🌱

Meanwhile, for inspiration:

These videos and resources contain many ideas for projects:

2040 - Join the Regeneration

Practical solutions to environmental concerns are addressed with the hope that the filmmaker's daughter, 21 years old in the year 2040, will face a hopeful future. See also the associated website

Movie Poster
Movie Poster

Closer to Home - Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis

‘Closer to Home’ brings together an extraordinary array of thinkers, writers, and activists from every continent to make a simple but revolutionary argument: by reducing the scale of the economy, we can not only stop the rush towards social and ecological breakdown, but restore damaged ecosystems and increase our own personal well-being.

It’s a message of hope that the world cannot afford to ignore.

Watch the movie on PeerTube (free).

Utopia 2048

Imagine you wake up in a future where the great social-ecological transformation has succeeded, democracy is flourishing, peace and prosperity prevail, the economy is oriented toward the common good, and the climate crisis has been averted successfully. How would this new world look like? The book can be bought as paperback or freely downloaded from

Book cover
Movie Poster

Solarpunk 2050 TTRPG

A FATE setting where players can explore and build their Solarpunk utopia.
After the climate catastrophe, several centres of human civilisation are clawing their way back. But instead of one approach to building a resilient future, there are three:

  • The Lost shun the technology of the transistor age and explore the ruins of the Lemmings who caused the disasters.
  • The Pioneers embrace all that is new and invent the foundations of the new world based on something akin to mad science.
  • And the Norms embrace community and automation in their Hive cities, where they come close to performing magic with their Hive controllers.
Protagonists from all of these factions will have to find ways to work together to overcome challenges in the wastelands or in their specific communities - and eventually grow the foundation of something that can finally be called Solarpunk.
A hopeful, chaotic and positive future. Solarpunk 2050